Art begets art...

Yesterday, I announced that I published a new book of fine art images, "Surface Tensions".  My goal is to do at least one project a year - making art keeps me inspired. Making art also keeps me grounded.  And, my fine art pieces are the inspiration behind my scarf designs.

Surface Tensions is a project that has been in the works for over a year.  The images started out by testing new techniques, both in the original photograph as well as in the post processing.  Every time I'd make one, I'd put it away in a folder.  More trial and error. More images into the folder and pretty soon I had a collection of over 50 images made from various surfaces of water.

Then, Blurb has a December sale - its the extra motivation I need to pull together the images for the collection, and therefore the book.

And, some of the images will be the perfect starting point for a new scarf design.  Perhaps one of these:

If you'd like to see more of my original art, please visit  Thank You!