Today's Compassion Image:"Original Quan Yin"
There's a great story behind this image. I was on an art tour of China in 1997 and one of our stops was a beautiful new museum. It was scorching hot and we were told by our guides that we couldn't take our cameras into the museum. We protested, not wanting to leave our cameras, which were film cameras at the time, in the bus. But, no avail.
Once we got into the museum, of course everyone in there had a camera. Well, I was traveling with a disposable Kodak film camera 400 ISO, which I kept in my purse. I took a few shots, but it was dark and when I had the film developed this frame was completely dark.
A few years later, when the digital age was just starting, I bought a film scanner to start working with my images on the computer. I put this film strip in the scanner and was able to bring up the mysterious image of Quan Yin. She was the beginning of all of my Compassion series artwork and never would have seen the light of day if it wasn't for the digital revolution.
Be kind and have a grateful day!